Katelyn Trujillo
Hi there! I'm Katelyn. I'm 17 and a photographer located in Orange County, California. I aim to capture the beauty of architecture and creation in my work, whether it be man-made with decades of history behind it, or simply what nature has given to us as natural art to interpret and appreciate.
Tangled - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Point - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Hope - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Afar - Sony A57 (3,036 x 4,912)
His Warmth - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
I Hear a Bell - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Everywhere - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Solemn - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Juvenile View - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Mālerei - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Eternal - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264 )
Adore - Sony A57 (2,960 x 4,912)
Geometric - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Gilded - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Little Life - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Ideal - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Normalcy - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Constant - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Adorned - Sony A57 (4,663 x 3,219)
Divine - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Quiet - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Lost - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Downtown - Sony A57 (3,038 x 4,572)
Home - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Odd - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Peering - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Therefore - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Youth - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Beginnings - Sony A57 (3,219 x 4,844)
Loud - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Drown - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Shy - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Intricacy - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Familiarity - Sony A57 (4,912 x 3,264)
Purpose - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Obsolete - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Day’s Gone - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Constricting - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Hidden - Sony A57 (3,264 x 4,912)
Dwell - Sony A57 (2,977 x 4,912)
A Memory - Sony A57 (3,178 x 4,912)
Its Warm - Sony A57 (3,178 x 4,912)
We’ll Stay Here, Okay? - Sony A57 (3,178 x 4,912)
Neighbors, Though Who? - Sony A57 (3,178 x 4,912)
Quick, In Here! - Sony A57 (3,103 x 4,795)
It’s Okay - Sony A57 (3,165 x 4,891)
There - Sony A57 (3,160 x 4,884)